Saturday 8 June 2013

Bird search

Up early this morning to look for kingfishers near Slaughterford. We didn't find any but we did find a beautiful walk along side a river.

And this pretty bird....

And then some more walking.

We are really making the most of this weather, more time is being spent in the garden and very little on the Internet or blogging or crafting. Our activities at the moment are focused almost exclusively on the country house because...we are finally moving in together! After 5 1/2 years of weekends in the country house and week days at the week day home so I can commute to work, we've decided we will both live in the country house. Putting two (fairly full) houses into one is taking time, thought, sacrifice and wall plugs and doesn't leave any time or space for crafting. We've cut back on camping and not gone anywhere so far this year because our weekends are full of painting, sanding, packing, e-baying and trying not to feel too daunted by all we want to achieve while still working. This morning's escape to spend time soaking up some scenery blew away the cobwebs, even if we didn't find our kingfishers.


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